EQuAL Seminar: Hyunseok Oh

Date and Time
Elings Hall, Room 1605
EQuAL Seminar
EQuAL Seminar

Hybrid Mechanical Systems in Diamond and Smart-Cut Fabrication

Diamond is a promising material for quantum information science and hybrid quantum systemsdue to its excellent material properties and ability to host highly coherent solid-state spins.Diamond optomechanical crystal (OMC) devices are powerful components for varioussensing, networking, and computing applications because they have GHz mechanical modeswith high mechanical quality factors with large optomechanical coupling as well as strong spin-strain coupling. Here we demonstrated diamond optomechanical crystals with high opticaland mechanical quality factors in the sideband-resolved regime and highly coherent (bulk-like)embedded defect centers. We measured high telecom wavelength optical quality factors of43,000 and high mechanical quality factors of 212,900 at a dil-fridge temperature. Also, weshowed spin properties in the nanofabricated structure can be preserved by measuring longT2 spin coherence times of 270 μs at room temperature. This device can be used fordemonstrating strong spin-strain coupling, opening the door to leveraging diamondmechanical devices in the quantum regime.