
Leon Balents


2315 Kohn Hall

Ania Bleszynski Jayich

Department of Physics

4105 Broida
Spin-Phonon Coupling in Diamond Resonators, NV Center Magnetometry – Condensed Matter and Biophysics Systems, Diamond Growth and Spin Coherence, and Spin-Photon Coupling

Dirk Bouwmeester

Department of Physics

4125 Broida
Quantum optomechanics, cavity quantum electrodynamics and topologically non-trivial fields, with applications related to electromagnetic and gravitational radiation, as well as magnetohydrodynamics

John Harter

Assistant Professor
Department of Materials

3223 Elings Hall
Unconventional Superconductivity, Correlated Electron Systems, Spin-Orbit Coupling, Periodically-Driven Phases, Nonlinear Optical Rotational Anisotropy, Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy, Magneto-Optical Microscopy, Ultrafast Transient Reflectivity

Trevor Hayton

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

3225 Chemistry
Bottom-up Assembly of Nanomaterials

Andrew Jayich

Assistant Professor
Department of Physics

4123 Broida
New quantum technologies, fundamental symmetries and quantum chemical reactions.

John Martinis

Department of Physics

Broida 4239
Quantum Computing

Ben Mazin

Department of Physics

Broida 2015H
Superconducting Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs)

Ram Seshadri


3008 Materials Research Lab

Susanne Stemmer


3004 Materials Research Lab

Vojtech Vlcek

Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

4138A Chemistry
Development and application of new theoretical and computational approaches to electronic structure. Our main interests are electronic and optical excitation (quasiparticles) in nanoscale systems, molecular assemblies, and interfaces.

David Weld

Associate Professor
Department of Physics

Quantum simulation of ultrafast phenomena, nonequilibrium quantum dynamics, Floquet band engineering, anyon synthesis, quasiperiodicity, and quantum metrology.

Stephen Wilson


3215 Elings Hall
Exploration of magnetism, lattice dynamics, and electronic phase behaviors in spin-orbit driven phases of matter, unconventional superconductors, and, more broadly, emergent phenomena in correlated electron materials.

Andrea Young

Assistant Professor
Department of Physics

4113 Broida
Van der Waals heterostructures, nanoSQUID microscopy, electronic states in quantum materials